Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dear Diary;

So I felt the need to start a blog for the idea that my head will explode if I don't get some of this shit out of my head before it explodes. I'm a creative, fun, irritated, interesting human being and its time I started to write (or type as the case may be) some of my thoughts down. Personally I don't care if anyone ever reads this, or if anyone even cares. This is me, take it or leave it.

I'm currently a college kid, (we'll call my college STFU, just for fun), and at STFU I am a junior looking at life in school. I decided to double major because it looked fun and I couldnt make up my mind....yeah I know, lame. So in all reality I am going to be at STFU till either I graduate after spending 5 years in this dinky little town or 2012 actually happens. Of course now I am starting to wonder if I made a huge ass mistake. I am a graphic design bfa and a theatre major.... what the hell am I going to do with that?! I know there are jobs out there for these majors, I am just exaggerating, but what if I suck. What if I am not good enough to make it in the design world? Looks like my job at the restaurant will really come in handy! Grant it I know I am probably just flipping my lid over nothing and everything will work out in the end or some bullshit, but I feel like I can freak out a little bit. This is after all my life I am talking about....

Anyway enough of that for now. In case you were wondering I am 21. WOOOooo! Yeah...not really. 21 is really not all its cracked up to be. All it means is you are not legal to do all the shit you were already doing before, but now you dont have to hide it. It also means (if you are a girl) you have to battle a lot more guys every time you just want to get a drink. They should put up wrestling rings in bars so the men can get rid of their testosterone before starting their hunt for the rare and hard to capture woman. On the other hand, it is a major self esteem booster to be hit on, as long as it isnt the creepy-call 911 kind of flirting.... If every morning I could get a smoothie with a self-esteem boost I would. But I'm not sure how they would get all those cheesy lines into one beverage.

So a little bit about my hobbies. I am an actress (or hope to be), I snowmobile, snowboard, ride quads, race cars (or I did when I had my Nova), and I spend a lot of time with my love of 3 years Nelson (more about him later). I used to play basketball and volleyball until I messed up my shoulder and got benched. Now life is all that more fun with an arm I cant lift over my shoulder or else it will dislocate. I am an active person for the most part, but I always enjoy sitting down with a good book and relaxing all day in my pjs (occasionally). Movies and TV shows are awesome, I watch them quite a bit. My boyfriend is trying to get me more into video games but its been a slow process. This comes from having a mother who didnt want a tom boy (haha look whos laughing now), and also being raised as an only child because my brothers were so much older than me.

On that note, I have 2 older brothers, both married with kids. Oh, and I was adopted, which kinda explains why they are so much older than me. Scott is 13 years older than me, (so 34-ish), and has 2 kids, Elie and Trent and is married to Angie, and Steven is 17 years older than me, (so 38-ish) and is married to Melisa with 1 kid, Bailey. I only lived with my brothers for at the most 5 years so I dont even remember then in the house. I love them to death, but in a way I had 3 dads not brothers. Although in recent years we have became even closer and now I have brothers. My mom and dad are pretty great, We dont always get along, but, hey, who does? They have been married.....FOREVER. Lets just put it that way because I dont really want to do the math on that one.

Alright well basics are done and out of the way. Hopefully this blog gives me some sort of out source for my thoughts and lets me escape for a while. I feel that writing is a really powerful and relaxing tool that everyone should at least attempt. The worse thing that can happen is you have nothing to say, and for that matter I think you would be doing pretty good if you had nothing to get out.

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