Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let the venting session commence:

Alright so I literally just formed this blog and I am already at my wits end and need to let it all out.

So my best friend, Michael, is currently staying at my place till he can get his own place. So you would think maybe a few days, possibly a week or, try more than a month! He hasn't even looked at any apartments.... do you see the frustration forming? Than he got sick, with pneumonia of all things, and hasnt been feeling good. That's fine. I can relax some, I am an understanding person... but it has been 2 weeks! He makes a huge mess, (which by the way I have a little OCD), and then doesnt even help to clean up! Today, for example, I had to work a double at work to cover his shift, and when I got home, (in between my two shifts), I cleaned out the fridge, freezer, and pantry and ended up with 2 full garbage bags full of crap that had to be thrown out. He never offered to help and didnt even offer to take the bags out to the dumpster. Then, to top it all off, I did all the dishes. You know what he did the entire time? Sat on his ass and played games on his computer. I spent 6 hours cleaning the other day to come home to a mess again. I am done. DONE! He isnt paying rent so the least he could do is clean up after himself. Especially when he knows I have OCD and tend to freak out when the place is dirty.

I hate to say it but if he doesnt get out soon out friendship could be damaged beyond repair. An almost 7 year friendship could be ending. Ok maybe thats a little dramatic but thats about how I am feeling right now. I know that i have to talk to him, lay it all out, and tell him how it is, but how do you do that to a guy you have always been really close with? "Get the fuck out," doesnt seem like a great way to handle it. He knows he needs to get out after the holidays, but I'm not sure he is taking that seriously. It might be time to bring out the big guns and hope for the best. Knowing Michael it will all be fine if I talk to him, but its still worrisome. However, I feel that after venting about this to a computer screen for an hour I might be in a better place to talk to him. If I had tried an hour ago when I got home from work the conversation would have probably been very short and consisted of a gun shot and a body to clean up on top of everything else.

I think what bothers me most is the fact that he can literally sit at his computer for hours upon hours playing games and not really accomplish anything. He could have easily found an apartment by now and a car, but he would rather sit on his ass all day. He cant even pause the game for 2 seconds to take his dishes to the sink after they have been sitting out for hours. Grow up. I am not your mother or your maid.

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